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Welcome to Glory Farm Kenya!

Welcome to Glory Farm Kenya!

Welcome to Glory Farm Kenya! We are pleased you have decided to look around our website.

With this website, Donnie Brake and Henry Okumu intend to provide a first-hand look at the commercial tree farming business. Donnie and Henry have become good friends and are now partners in a new endeavor, Okumu and Brake Investments, LTD (OBI).

In this our first blog, we hope to track the progress of our eucalyptus tree farm from its inception in November 2017 to the time when we harvest the trees in 5 or 6 years. We intend to show pictures and statistic of the growth of the trees every 6 months and hope to provide data that can be used to help other tree farmers.

Again, thanks for joining us. We look forward to a great adventure.

Donnie Brake and Henry Okumu